Worldwide Professional Developer Population of 24 Million Projected to Grow amid Shifting Geographical Concentrations
The current worldwide population of professional developers is projected to grow from 23.9 million today to 28.7 million in 2024 according to the de facto authority on worldwide developer populations, Evans Data’s Global Developer Population and Demographic Study. The study, now in its 26th iteration was recently released to subscribers. It combines intensive secondary research with a proprietary model to predict developer populations by regions and country, and then overlays actual primary survey research to estimate the numbers of developers adopting various technologies within those geographies.
The study shows strong growth in the Asia Pacific region followed by Latin America. Both regions are expected to grow at slightly faster rates than North America or the EMEA region. At a country level, there are predicted to be some leadership shake-ups by 2024 as India overtakes the US as the largest developer population center, Brazil displaces Japan in the fifth spot, and the UK surpasses Germany in the 7th spot. Additionally, Thailand and Poland are predicted to advance as Italy declines.
“There are a lot of variables that go into predicting the existence of a software developer in countries where there is no reporting,” said Janel Garvin, CEO of Evans Data, “While most are technology and education related there are also broader market and economic factors that we take into consideration and feed into our model. While change often doesn’t happen quickly, this is less true in emerging economies where we see significant growth occurring in the immediate future.”
The Global Developer Population and Demographic Study is produced twice a year and provides professional developer population estimates by country and region along with 5 year projections. Highlights from Evans Data’s biannual Global Development Survey are overlaid on the results to provide estimates of developer technology adoption within the same regions/countries.
See the full table of Contents and Methodology here.
About Evans Data Corporation
Evans Data Corporation provides regularly updated IT industry market intelligence based on in-depth surveys of the global developer population. Evans’ syndicated research includes surveys focused on developers in a wide variety of subjects.

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