Development News

Developer News – Week ending March 16, 2018

Here are some of the developer news articles that appeared this past week. Happy Reading and Happy Coding! Mar 16 – ZDnet: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ arrives: Faster CPU, Wi-Fi, 300Mbps Ethernet – The Pi 3 Model B+ has a 1.4GHz 64-bit quad-core Broadcom Arm Cortex A53-architecture processor compared with the Raspberry Pi 3 ModelContinue Reading “Developer News – Week ending March 16, 2018”

Development News

Developer News – Week ending March 9, 2018

Here are some of the developer news articles that appeared this past week. Happy Reading and Happy Coding! Mar 9 – TheVerge: Amazon adds follow-up mode for Alexa to let you make back-to-back requests – Follow-up mode works by letting Alexa continue listening for up to five seconds after an initial command. This is signified byContinue Reading “Developer News – Week ending March 9, 2018”

Education Programming

Every company and industry needs more programmers!

The more than 85,000 professional developers from over 80 countries that are part of the Evans Data Corp (EDC) developer panel are part of a larger global developer population that is over 22 million strong. While this number seems large, the demand for more programmers is even greater. Beyond the computer scientists, software engineers, computerContinue Reading “Every company and industry needs more programmers!”

Developer Conferences

The Developer Conference Winter ’16/’17 and Spring ’17 Season is Over – now watch the videos

Each year, there are number of “really” important developer conferences that take place. These capture the hearts and minds of millions of developers. Most of these developer conferences happen near the end of the previous year and continue until the end of the school year in most of the northern hemisphere. These conferences capture theContinue Reading “The Developer Conference Winter ’16/’17 and Spring ’17 Season is Over – now watch the videos”

API Development News

New Apple APIs and Frameworks announced at WWDC 2017

During the opening session at this year’s Apple Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) 2017, new versions of tvOS, watchOS, iOS and macOS were announced along with a list of new and enhanced APIs and Frameworks. Here is a quick list of some of the new technologies that developers can get their hands on (in beta) today.Continue Reading “New Apple APIs and Frameworks announced at WWDC 2017”