ERP Tops Targets for AI Developers in Large Enterprises

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is the top target cited by developers actively working with Artificial Intelligence, according to Evans Data’s recently released Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning survey. Over 58% of those developers are adding AI to their ERP software or have already done so. It is also the most cited area of existing softwareContinue Reading “ERP Tops Targets for AI Developers in Large Enterprises”


Worldwide Developer Population Growth Rate to Peak in 2020 then Plateau

Overall, the growth rate of the worldwide population of software developers is forecast to peak in late 2019 and into 2020 followed by a decrease in growth acceleration and virtual flattening of the growth curve in subsequent years according to Evans Data’s recently released “Global Developer Population and Demographics Study. However, growth rates for individualContinue Reading “Worldwide Developer Population Growth Rate to Peak in 2020 then Plateau”

Membership Programming

Developers Fail to Embrace Low-Code and No-Code Platforms

Despite the hype and predictions of dominance for low-code development environments, the latest Evans Data Global Development Survey shows little appetite for low code or no code development environments among software developers. One in five developers never use them and almost three-quarters (73%) use them less than half the time according to the recently releasedContinue Reading “Developers Fail to Embrace Low-Code and No-Code Platforms”

IoT Security

Developers Up Security for IoT implementations

More than two thirds of developers working on applications for IoT and / or mobile devices are currently optimizing their deployments for security according to Evans Data’s newly released IoT and Mobile Development Survey. This is especially true for those working with IoT implementations that also involve mobility where over 80% spend time optimizing forContinue Reading “Developers Up Security for IoT implementations”

Cloud Development

Database as a Service is top Value Add for Cloud Developers

Cloud vendors are working hard to win developers over to their platforms, and according to over 480 developers actively developing for or in the Cloud it’s Database as a Service that is the most valuable thing in that equation. DBaaS was rated as the most important element a vendor could include in their offering, withContinue Reading “Database as a Service is top Value Add for Cloud Developers”