Machine and Deep Learning SDKs, Tools, Frameworks and Systems

Developers have witnessed the rise of multiple big data solutions in the past few years. Building on top of the volume, variety and velocity of data, companies have seen the growing need for automating business decisions based on the knowledge coming from online systems, sensors and connected devices. In order to take advantage of this wealth of data developers are leveraging a wide range of machine and deep learning SDKs, tools, frameworks, systems, services, and libraries. This blog post highlights some of the available machine learning and deep learning SDKs available from leading platform vendors, hardware vendors, researchers, and open source projects. It’s a great time to be a software engineer and to have all of these AI technologies to integrate into our existing applications or use in new development projects.

Machine and Deep Learning SDKs


Machine and Deep Learning SDKs

Here are a few of the many machine learning and deep learning SDKs, tools, frameworks, systems, services, and libraries that are available for developers to use in their cognition-based, big data driven applications. I’ve divided the list up into services/systems, frameworks, libraries and tools (although the distinctions are arbitrary as some provide both a service along with an API, SDK or framework).
16631224-Abstract-word-cloud-for-Machine-learning-with-related-tags-and-terms-Stock-Photo  deep learning tag cloud





Machine Learning Courses

Are you using other AI, Machine Learning or Deep Learning technologies?

Am I missing a machine learning or deep learning library, framework, SDK, tool, service, system or API that your are using?  Have you recently taken an AI, Machine Learning or Deep Learning Course? Post a comment and/or send me an email about your experiences working with these AI technologies in your application development projects.

David I Facebook Avatar

David Intersimone “David I”
Vice President of Developer Communities
Evans Data Corporation
Skype: davidi99
Twitter: @davidi99


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