Development News

Developer items in the News: Code Smells, FP, Jigsaw Concerns and more

I try to read as much programming and developer news as possible. It’s great to be able to keep up with the latest news about programming languages, frameworks, tools, libraries, best practices and more. Here are some of the development related articles and blog posts that caught my eye in the past week.

  • 35 programming habits that make your code smell | TechBeacon – Christian’s blog post about his top 35 bad programming habits, organized into four categories: code organization, teamwork, writing code, and testing and maintenance.
  • OOP vs FP by Richard Kenneth Eng – Richard starts by looking back at Robert C. Martin’s, “Uncle Bob”, post about “OO vs FP” from November 2014. Richard’s post also included an embedded YouTube video by Dan Grossman (University of Washington) that discussed OOP vs functional decomposition. Richard finishes the post by saying “OOP and FP each have their appropriate use cases. Neither is a panacea. So why are people debating this at all???”
  • Concerns Regarding Java Jigsaw (JSR-376, Java Platform Module System) by Scott Stark, VP of Architecture for Red Hat’s JBoss.  Scott’s blog post covers JSR-376 (Java Platform Module System specification) concerns from members of the Red Hat middleware team, Apache Maven chair, Paremus, Sonatype, as well as other Java Executive Committee(EC) members. In the summary, Scott et al report that “Many application deployment use cases which are widely implemented today are not possible under Jigsaw, or would require a significant re-architecture.”.
  • Why are functional programming languages used so rarely in practice? by Louis Cyphre. A couple of Louis’ perspectives. First, Historical: while LISP has been around since 1958, imperative/procedural won the day because they “were easier to grasp and understand”. Second, Educational: functional programming was rarely taught to beginners. Third, OOP: the arrival and popularity of OO languages moved us quickly from imperative to object-oriented.
  • Why code reviews are crucial by Softwire. This blog post covers the important of having “others review your code than it is your writing. At Softwire, our code reviews are generally trying to accomplish four things: 1) Keeping code clean, 2) Sharing knowledge, 3) Continual learning and improvement, and 4) Checking for errors.
  • Every single Machine Learning course on the internet, ranked by your reviews by David Venturi. David spent a dozen hours trying to identify every online machine learning course offered as of May 2017, extracting key bits of information from their syllabi and reviews, and compiling their ratings.
  • Last Friday, April 28th, the Computer History Museum hosted their 2017 Fellow Awards. This year they honored: Alan Cooper, Margaret Hamilton, Cleve Moler, and Larry Roberts. You can find all of the Computer History Museum’s fellows listed on the Hall of Fellows site.


Do you have a favorite recent developer article?

These are just a few of the hundreds of articles I read each week. If you have a favorite developer article you’ve read in the past week, post a comment below.

David I

David Intersimone “David I”
Vice President of Developer Communities
Evans Data Corporation
Skype: davidi99
Twitter: @davidi99


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