
Worldwide Professional Developer Population of 24 Million Projected to Grow amid Shifting Geographical Concentrations

The current worldwide population of professional developers is projected to grow from 23.9 million today to 28.7 million in 2024 according to the de facto authority on worldwide developer populations, Evans Data’s Global Developer Population and Demographic Study. The study, now in its 26th iteration was recently released to subscribers. It combines intensive secondary researchContinue Reading “Worldwide Professional Developer Population of 24 Million Projected to Grow amid Shifting Geographical Concentrations”


Female Programmers Driven by Different Motives than Men

Amid a push to get more women into STEM careers, Evans Data’s newly released Developer Marketing 2019 survey report found significant differences in the reasons for entering the software development industry as well as most important career driver between women and men. The plurality of women (33%) said the most important driver in their developmentContinue Reading “Female Programmers Driven by Different Motives than Men”


New Survey Shows Cracks and Convergence in DevOps Today

DevOps promotes and facilitates the coordination between the software developers who create apps and the operations personnel who deploy them, but as the newly released Evans Data survey DevOps 2019 shows the two groups often have very different ideas. The survey of 250 developers and 250 IT operations professionals does show convergence in many areasContinue Reading “New Survey Shows Cracks and Convergence in DevOps Today”


ERP Tops Targets for AI Developers in Large Enterprises

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is the top target cited by developers actively working with Artificial Intelligence, according to Evans Data’s recently released Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning survey. Over 58% of those developers are adding AI to their ERP software or have already done so. It is also the most cited area of existing softwareContinue Reading “ERP Tops Targets for AI Developers in Large Enterprises”


Worldwide Developer Population Growth Rate to Peak in 2020 then Plateau

Overall, the growth rate of the worldwide population of software developers is forecast to peak in late 2019 and into 2020 followed by a decrease in growth acceleration and virtual flattening of the growth curve in subsequent years according to Evans Data’s recently released “Global Developer Population and Demographics Study. However, growth rates for individualContinue Reading “Worldwide Developer Population Growth Rate to Peak in 2020 then Plateau”