
Less Than a Third of Companies Have an Overall Cyber Security Policy

With the recent WannaCry ransomeware attack on sites around the world, you might wonder whether your software and sites are secure. You might also consider helping other members of your development team and organization ensure that they are using security best practices as well. Cyber security has become one of the hottest issues today, butContinue Reading “Less Than a Third of Companies Have an Overall Cyber Security Policy”

API Programming Languages

Wouldn’t it be Cool if all APIs included Swagger YAML and/or JSON files?

Every developer has their own swagger based on their background, education, coding style, programming language used, etc. In this blog post I am talking about a different kind/type of Swagger. When you are interested in using an API provided by a operating system, platform, service, cloud, or device vendor, I’ll bet that one of the firstContinue Reading “Wouldn’t it be Cool if all APIs included Swagger YAML and/or JSON files?”

AI Development News

Microsoft Build 2017 – news for Developers from Seattle

The annual Microsoft Build developer conference took place last week in Seattle. While I couldn’t make it up to the beautiful city on Puget Sound, I did watch the keynotes and a few technical sessions on the live (and replay) Channel 9 Build 2017 feed. Microsoft has a Build 2017 news page that has linksContinue Reading “Microsoft Build 2017 – news for Developers from Seattle”


Developers: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

I was watching (online) the opening keynote at this year’s Microsoft Build 2017 developer conference taking place in Seattle Washington. During CEO Satya Nadella’s presentation, he mentioned a statement that I’ve heard many times before. “With Great Power Comes Great Responsiblity”. I remember that statement in the Spiderman movie and comics. I was wondering ifContinue Reading “Developers: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”

Development News

Developer items in the News: Code Smells, FP, Jigsaw Concerns and more

I try to read as much programming and developer news as possible. It’s great to be able to keep up with the latest news about programming languages, frameworks, tools, libraries, best practices and more. Here are some of the development related articles and blog posts that caught my eye in the past week. 35 programmingContinue Reading “Developer items in the News: Code Smells, FP, Jigsaw Concerns and more”